Bike-sharing, or the use of rental bikes for transportation in urban areas, has become increasingly popular across the United States. The systems allow riders to pay a fee to ride a bike from one docking station to another. Adaptive bikes are becoming increasingly available through bike-sharing programs. Where are adaptive bikes available? Portland, OR A […]
Tips for Accommodating Children with Disabilities During the Holidays
If you are hosting any parties during the holidays this year with disabled guests, you may be wondering how to accommodate them. We’ve laid out five tips to help you be the best host possible: 1. Try to make your home as accessible as you can. Consider renting or purchasing adaptive equipment to be installed […]
Assistive Technology to Aid in Communication
Looking to get your loved one with a disability something simple to help them ease into the school year? We’ve compiled a list from assistive technology resources across the web to help in your search. Writing assistive technology Speech to text programs: Programs on many different devices help children who struggle with writing by transforming […]
Standing Wheelchairs: Why Won’t Insurance Agencies Cover Them?
Too much time spent sitting can put people at risk for a wide array of health conditions (1, 2). For many, the solution is simple: sit less, and stand and move around more. Of course, it is more complicated for people who use wheelchairs: even those who use manual wheelchairs and do substantial aerobic exercise […]
Michigan House of Representatives to Vote on Adult Changing Table Implementation
The Michigan House of Representatives just introduced a bill that would require establishments to have adult-sized changing tables in their restrooms. This follows a campaign called Changing Spaces, that brought awareness to the need for adult-sized changing tables for adults with disabilities, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), cerebral palsy (CP), developmental disabilities, and others (1). […]