It’s almost time for winter break! That means kids are heading home to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Disabled children may struggle with the transition from their daily routines into holiday celebrations.
Social stories are a great resource for children with any sort of comprehension difficulties. They use images, words, or some combination of both to explain specific occurrences, social interactions, concepts, skills, or behaviors. Disabled children can benefit from using social stories in the weeks leading up to a new event or change in daily schedule.
We’ve compiled a collection of free social stories that can help you prepare your little one prepare for winter break and holiday celebrations!
Holiday Social Stories for Children
Winter Break Social Narrative: This interactive mini book discusses upcoming events to expect over winter break.
Return to School Social Story: If the return to school is a struggle, this short social story can help with the transition.
What to Wear in Winter Social Story for Boys and What to Wear in Winter Social Story for Girls are both social stories that help kids understand and recognize winter-specific clothing options.
Social Script for Receiving Gifts: This helpful script gives ideas for what to say when giving or receiving gifts around birthdays and/or the holidays.
What to Expect at Christmas: This social story shows what a child can expect when celebrating Christmas.
Seeing Santa Social Story: Children who struggle with Santa visits may benefit from a social story about what they can expect.
Hanukkah Social Story: This social story shows different key elements of Hanukkah celebrations.
Saying “Thank You” Social Story: A social story about saying “thank you” for gifts.
Christmas Visual Schedule: This flip book chronology of holiday events can be catered to a child’s specific itinerary.
Calm Down Cards: Some children may benefit from bringing calm down cards to over-stimulating events. These cards inspire mental breaks.
Event Planner: Children may benefit from having their own event planner to prepare for any upcoming event.
Do you have any social stories your child has found helpful around the holidays? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add them to our list.
About the HIE Help Center
The HIE Help Center is run by ABC Law Centers, a law firm that exclusively handles cases involving HIE and related birth injuries. Our team of lawyers have been advocating for children with disabilities since the firm’s inception in 1997.
If you believe your child’s birth injury was caused by medical negligence, contact us to learn about pursuing a case. We provide free legal consultations, during which we will inform you of your legal options and answer any questions you may have. Our clients pay nothing throughout the entire legal process unless we obtain a favorable settlement.
You are also welcome to reach out to us with inquiries that are not related to malpractice. We cannot provide individualized medical advice, but we’re happy to track down informational resources for you.
Some other places where you can find social stories include:
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